Issuing a European passport - possible difficulties

With the change of the Spanish citizenship law and then in Portugal an unprecedented opportunity was created for many Jews in Israel and around the world to obtain Spanish or Portuguese citizenship and enjoy a European passport. Many Israelis dream of a European passport that offers many advantages, including the possibility of working in European Union countries without fear of problems with the immigration authorities and receiving full social benefits, as well as study at the best European institutions at affordable or free prices. There are many other advantages of issuing a European passport. However, on the way, you may find that there are also many difficulties to fulfill your dream.

What passport should I issue?

To issue a Spanish or Portuguese passport, it is recommended to contact a company specializing in the subject, which offers professional and close accompaniment throughout the process. To obtain the European passport, you must first obtain citizenship from Spain or Portugal, as long as you are considered the descendants of Spanish expats and can prove a connection to the Spanish culture and meet other conditions, by the requirements of the law.

It is important to know that the issue of a Portuguese passport is considered more comfortable than the process of obtaining Spanish citizenship, so in some cases, it is worthwhile to work with the authorities in Portugal and shorten processes to avoid various difficulties that Spanish law accuse those who seek Spanish citizenship. Sometimes it is recommended to take out a Romanian passport as long as you are considered to be native-born or you are descendants of former Romanian citizens who gave up their citizenship during the communist period when many Jews chose to immigrate to Israel.

Possible difficulties in obtaining Spanish or Portuguese citizenship

To obtain Portuguese citizenship, it is necessary to prove the connection and connection with the deportees of Spain and Portugal. The relevant authorities must also prove to the relevant authorities a cultural and historical connection to Portuguese Jewry, for example, the approval of membership in a Jewish community that preserves the culture and tradition of Portuguese Jewry. Through genealogical research, collection and translation of relevant documents, approval from the heads of the Jewish community in Portugal and additional documents can be obtained in some cases for citizenship and then a passport. Along the way, there are many difficulties, such as difficulty in collecting documents, high costs, long time, tedious bureaucracy, and more.

The removal of Spanish citizenship is also not a trivial matter. The procedure is more difficult than the process required to obtain a Portuguese passport. Spanish law is considered more demanding, beyond proving the direct connection to the Spanish deportees have successfully passed the language control test, knowledge test culture, history and the constitution of Spain, also have to fly for investigation by a notary in Spain, and the procedure is longer, more complex and expensive.

According to the amendment to the Spanish Citizenship Law, it is necessary to prove using translated documents a direct connection to the deportees of Spain. It is not possible to suffice with only a family name. Also, the tests may be difficult, and the obligation to swear allegiance to the King of Spain may also prove to be an emotional difficulty for many Jews.