Study in Spain for holders of a European passport

Study in Spain

Following the amendment to the Citizenship Law in Spain, the possibility of obtaining a European passport is now attractive to many Israelis who are descendants of those expelled from Spain. A Spanish passport offers many advantages, including the possibility of studying in Spain and the countries of the European Union. Spain has about 50 public universities and up to 12 private universities, and there are also many quality professional schools. In Spain, 1.5 million students are studying for a degree each year, and the level of education is particularly high. It is worth knowing that undergraduate studies at various universities in the country last from three to four years. Doctoral studies take about four years, and medical studies take about six years.

Translation of the matriculation certificate into Spanish

Holders of a European passport can register, like any other citizen in Spain, to public or private universities. The matriculation certificate must be translated into Spanish and successfully passed the Spanish language proficiency test. The test is called SelectiVidad, and its purpose is to examine the level of language proficiency to be admitted to the program. However, there are institutions of higher education that can be studied in English, but they are not many, and admission conditions may be more difficult.

The release of Spanish citizenship enables Israeli descendants of those expelled from Spain to obtain a desired and required European passport. There are educational institutions in Spain that can be accepted relatively quickly compared to the conditions of admission in Israel. Also, a Spanish passport allows you to receive various scholarships, and there are educational institutions where local citizens can learn for free.

Lower education costs compared with Israel

Spain has many universities, some of which have existed for centuries. The largest and leading universities are usually located in major cities such as Madrid, the capital city of Spain, in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, and there are also good universities in other cities, such as the University of Malaga, one of the country's leading universities, and the University of Cordoba. Cordoba is a modern city offering fun student life and well-known heritage sites. In the large universities, Spanish passport holders can study a variety of fields, including law, medicine, business administration and economics, humanities and social sciences, dentistry, architecture and more.

In Spain, many foreigners are studying, and the universities are proud of the high percentage of students coming from abroad to study in the country. It is worth knowing that the average tuition at a public university is about 3,000 Euro per year for a student without a European passport. And the cost of living is low compared to other European countries and Israel.

It should be noted that tuition in private universities is usually fixed and does not change between holders of European or non-European passports. There are institutions of higher education that require annual tuition fees of € 5,000-12,000 per year. The cost of postgraduate studies is higher than the cost of tuition for a first degree. The cost varies according to the field and institution of study required. Holders of a European passport can in some cases win a scholarship or a discount.

It is important to note that among the advantages of obtaining European citizenship and a Spanish passport is the possibility of studying for free or at a reduced cost in many universities and vocational schools in Spain. Therefore, you should check the possibility of obtaining a Spanish passport and enjoy all the benefits inherent in this, including a work permit, unlimited stay, the opportunity to vote for selected institutions and many other advantages.